The Wins Pool App

How it Works

Step 1:
Create a League

Wins League Fantasy currently supports leagues for the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, and the Premier League.

Step 2:
Invite Friends

Copy the league URL to your friends for simple league formation.

Step 3:
Draft Teams

Take turns picking teams in a standard draft, or turn the strategy up a notch with an auction draft and limited conference or division slots.

Step 4:
Watch Sports!

Compete for most cumulative wins in the regular season, and hold the championship winning team to claim victory in the playoffs!

Flexible League Settings

Our Free Leagues provide a fun and easy way to organize your wins pool for 2-10 players. Alternatively, support our cause with a Patron League to unlock additional options including two owners per team, bench slots, auction drafts, and support for up to 20 players.

Dead Simple Interface

We are not here to wow your socks off with pretty graphics and fancy animations. Our focus is to provide the most accessible way for your group to enjoy the sports you already love to watch.

Better Than Fantasy Sports

No more rooting for a combined 300-point game because you have the star point guard on both teams. Just cheer for the one stat that really matters: wins. And if your favorite team is not doing so hot, you now have the right to cheer for other teams!

About Us

Richard Gibson

Founder and Developer of Wins League Fantasy

"I played fantasy sports for years. Once I had kids, however, I lost the free time I needed to keep up with the nitty gritty on every player. My draft results suffered and I struggled to keep my fantasy teams afloat. I longed for a fantasy-type game that would better fit into my new family life. Wins League Fantasy was built to fill this gap. Much like best ball fantasy, the draft-and-done format keeps me engrossed with the sports I love without the major time commitment. Cheering for teams to win is the way that spectator sports are meant to be enjoyed."